The London Area Workshops

Glenlyn Academy, 49 Porthcawe Rd, London, SE26 5TA 49 Porthcawe Road, London

✨ Calling all NATD Members a date to remember Sunday 9th February The London Area Workshops. 👉 We will be carrying on with working through the Grades studying Grade 5 Ballet, Classic Ballet and Stage Branch Tap, but alongside this will be a musical theatre class and a modern/street class. Students over 14 welcome, preferably […]

Safeguarding Level 2.

NATD together with Dance Safeguarding Services are proud to offer a Level 2 Safeguarding Course at a special price of £25.00 to NATD members and £40 for non-Members. The courses aim to protect you as a dance professional whilst being a reassurance to parents and students which is an increasingly important and challenging issue. This […]

Get Tickets £25.00 – £40.00

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