Julie Adams

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Sarah Barrett

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Julie Bates

National Tap Examiner

Wendy Elizabeth Bates

Ballroom and Theatrical Branch Examiner, Appointed Director 02/10/2017

Ann Blythe

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Debra Blythe

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Susan Blythe

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Andrea Brunton

Theatrical Branch Examiner, Northern Area Chairperson, Appointed Director 04/10/2015

Valerie Burnett

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Rosie Carter

Freestyle and Street Examiner

Karen Chevalier

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Jill Collins

Freestyle and Street Examiner

Frances Cooper

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Linda Cooper

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Diane Corbett

Freestyle and Street Examiner

yvonne maragaret mollon

Yvonne Margaret Mollon (Creber)

Stage Branch Tap and Musical Theatre Senior Examiner, Appointed Director 05/10/2015

frances dawson

Frances Dawson

Midlands Area Chairperson, Appointed Director 10/10/1994

Jaime Robert Dieguez

London Ballroom Area Chairperson, Ballroom Branch Examiner, Council of Management, Appointed Director 01/01/2023

Claire-Louise Dobinson

North Midland Theatrical Chairperson, Theatrical Branch Examiner

Dena Smith

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Amanda Farrar

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Beverley Hadley

Gymnastic Dance Examiner

Jacqueline Hall

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Beverley Harris

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Julie Herrick

Alternative Rhythms Senior Examiner, Ballroom Branch Examiner and North Eastern Area Secretary

Natalie Hume

National Tap Senior Examiner and Theatrical Branch Examiner

Annette Pearson (Hufton)

Quality Assurance Manager and Designated Safeguarding Lead, Appointed Director 08/09/2008

Zoey Jacobs

London Ballroom Area Secretary, Ballroom Branch Examiner

Helen Jessop

Ballroom Branch Examiner, Anglian Area Chairperson

Lyn Jones

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Victoria Jones

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Lorraine Kuznik

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Valerie Laws

Sequence Senior Examiner, North Eastern Area Chairperson, Ballroom Branch Examiner

Joanne Leong Foong Yin

Overseas Ballroom Branch Examiner

Judith Lockwood-Urban

South Western Area Chairperson, Theatrical Branch Examiner

Tracey Loveridge

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Gemma Macey

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Pamela Martin

Ballroom Branch Examiner, Ireland and Northern Ireland Chairperson

Phil Meacham

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Anna-Louise Mederson-Desborough

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Hayley Moseley

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Jacqueline Naylor

North Midland Ballroom Area Chairperson, Ballroom Branch Examiner

Steph Newman

Freestyle and Street Examiner

Kevin Robert Page

Chief Executive Officer, Appointed Director 31/10/2007

Sharon Marie Johnson (Potter)

Modern Stage Branch Senior Examiner, Council of Management, Appointed Director 01/01/2022

Angela Pryer-Raybould

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Mary Elizabeth Waite (Richardson)

Ballroom and Latin American Senior Examiner, Appointed Director 10/09/2020

Emma Roberts

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Sharon Lucinda Waite-Roberts

Gymnastic Dance Senior Examiner, London Theatrical Secretary and Theatrical Branch Examiner, Appointed Director 01/01/2020

Yvonne Mayne

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Richard Rose

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Lynne Rowell

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Josephine Seow

Overseas Ballroom Branch Examiner

Geoff Sheldon

Freestyle and Street Examiner

Marye Simmons

Ballroom Examiner

Harita Elena Endacott (Stavrou)

Contemporary Senior Examiner, Appointed Director, Theatrical Branch Examiner, South West Area Representative, Council of Management, London Area Committee 01/01/2020

Lindsey Stewart

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Aleena Tan

Overseas Ballroom Branch Examiner

Lisa Tartaglia

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Sally Thompsett

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Christa Udell

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Steven Verrall

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Sharon Vickers

Ballroom Branch Examiner

Lisa Wager

Freestyle and Street Examiner and Midland Area Committee Member

Diana Washbourne

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Walter Wat Head Judge SIMF

Walter Wat

Senior Ballroom Examiner Overseas

Jillian Webber

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Michelle Webster

Michelle Webster

President, Freestyle Senior Examiner and Ballroom Examiner, Appointed Director 02/10/2013

Cecilia Whitmore

Theatrical Branch Examiner

Jane Williams

Ballroom and Theatrical Branch Examiner

Victoria Wright

Ballet Senior Examiner

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